We have a setup process which guides you through the steps needed. You can get started here: https://www.traintrackr.co.uk/setup
The package contains:
The setup process is quick and easy, you'll need your WiFi Network name (SSID) and WiFi password. Follow our setup instructions and you'll be up and running in a few minutes.
Depending on the product we either include a power supply, or a USB power cable that you can plug into a computer or old mobile phone charger. Check the product description to see which which power option is supplied. All products relased before 2023 are powered via a mini-USB connector, all products released since 2023 use a USB-C connector.
Yes and yes. We've written a blog post about the brightness settings which should get you started. We've also built a 'night mode' feature, which will let you adjust the brightness at night.
You can check out our video here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CI_cSpaFqDk/
For these boards there are more trains in service than there are LEDs on the board, so the LEDs would mostly be on all the time, for this reason we only show trains when they are in the stations.
Transit networks all provide data about their vehicle locations and arrival predictions to help customers better navigate their networks. This is mostly used by 'next train' apps and websites, helping people to arrive at the sations in time to catch their trains. We use the data slightly differently, but it's just the same data packaged differently.
For environmental information we get our data from the met office, and from openweather map. This gives us up-to-date precipitation, wind, cloud and temperature data which we process on our servers ready for your board to display.
During the setup process you'll be prompted to enter your WiFi SSID and password to get your board connected.
our trackr boards only communicate with 2.4Ghz WiFi networks (and not with 5Ghz networks). Most WiFi networks support 2.4Ghz but if you are having trouble connecting to your network, this could be why.
If a WiFi network requires you to sign in, like at a cafe, then you won't be able to use your trackr there, as there is no way for the board to sign in to that network.
Some customers have had issues with mesh networks, network extenders, and when the SSID is running on multiple frequencies. For this reason we suggest you use a single 2.4Ghz network directly from your router.
Check our status page, or see our troubleshooting section.
To reconnect your board to the internet you can go through our setup process again.
Yes you can, the main microprocessor is an ESP8266 or ESP32, which can be programmed like an Arduino through the FTDI connector pins. Check the product description to determine what LED driver we are using for your board. We've written a blog post to get you started.
The mode button was added as alternative future way to set up your board, and as a way to trigger future features. If/when we attach functionality to this button we'll let you know.
We have a dedicated shipping page which should have the answers to your questions.
Check our troubleshooting section to see common issues and see what our LED codes mean.
You can contact us by email on support@traintrackr.co.uk
We have more information here.
© Copyrights TrainTrackr 2025. All Rights Reserved.
RGTec Ltd. Registered: North House, 198 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1BE. Registered in England. Company Number: 12541890